Before Mass
Today is gaudete Sunday...
Any idea why we call it that?? Well – pick up your missalette and turn to
page 40. Let’s read
the entrance antiphon together.
Rejoice! In latin, it is Gaudete…
this right here is how this Sunday got its name. Also, you’ll notice three of the four readings Tell
us to REJOICE! Pay particular attention
to the psalm and the second reading. In
case you don't recognize it, the psalm is Mary's prayer when she went to visit
her cousin Elizabeth….it’s call the Magnificat. Powerful stuff. And the letter from Paul gives us some advice
which may sound like wishful thinking:
Rejoice Always! Is that possible
in this life? Let's lift at question up
in prayer during today's Mass and see if applies to our own life.
Homily – 3rd Sunday Advent 2014 –
It this all there is?
This may sound corny or cliché,
but I want you to think back to Christmas as a child. Now immediately, we usually think of the
gifts and the lights and Santa and Midnight Mass and all the magic in the air – because that’s what Christmas is
‘supposed’ to be like. But I want you to think just a couple of
years AFTER that time. That one
Christmas when – after
all the gifts were opened –
you felt – well
– empty. Is that all there is? Is this what all the hype was about?
That year, somebody asked you, “Did
you get what you wanted for Christmas?” And you thought – well – “No. I’m
not really sure what I wanted, but obviously I didn’t get it, because I just feel like
something is missing.” Is that all there is?
For many of us, THAT Christmas was the first time we had the feeling
that Life is not all about feeling good and doing whatever we want and getting
everything we want. In fact, many of us – I’d even venture to
say MOST of us have learned THAT lesson all too well. We’ve
learned that this life is one struggle after another. From the first time we skinned our knee by
falling off our bike –
to the first time we failed a test in school.... Thru the car trouble we
had recently...through all of life’s
challenges: failed relationships,
unfaithful spouses, addictions, wrecks, kids and family members getting sick
and dying…. Yeah…
we learn THAT lesson over and over.
Life is full of pain. And if that’s really all that
life is about, we'd always be thinking –
is this all there is?
You may think I’m
off in the weeds with all this depressing talk on Guadete Sunday when we’re told to
REJOICE! Thing is, many of us don’t FEEL like
rejoicing. Life has dealt us a bad hand,
and there’s
just nothing worth getting excited about.
All this Christmas talk is just another reason to be depressed, because
it only serves to remind us of who is no longer with us – and the things that we DIDN’T get for
Christmas. Is this all there is?
But there IS reason to rejoice here. In that second reading,
Paul says, “Rejoice
Always. In all circumstances give
thanks.” Really? Is that even possible?
About 20 years ago, I was given this book – Prison to Praise.
20 years…but
its message has stuck with me. The
message is the same as Paul’s
reading today: 'In all circumstances
give thanks.' I remember story after
story of how this guy turned his life around completely by learning to thank
God – not just
for the Blessings – but
for the worst things in his life. Did
you catch that? He even thanked God for
his life of crime that led him to be stuck in prison where he learned about God
for the first time. He learned that
lesson the hard way, and his life took a 180 degree turn…and then helped many other people
experience that same joy by thanking God for EVERYthing. Can you imagine thanking God for your spouse’s addiction to
alcohol? Thanking God that your teenager
is rebellious and won’t
listen? Thanking God that your family
member got sick? Thanking God for the
I remember reading this and thinking “this is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo… Some sort of Pollyanna psychology
which just says if you "think" everything is great, then it will be
great! “ Honestly, I didn’t like the book the
first time I read it.
But the message kept coming back to me. Thank God for EVERYthing. So I tried it –
first in small things. God – thank you for
putting this slowpoke in front of me to slow me down on the highway. Apparently, you want me to learn patience – or maybe you’re keeping me from
hitting a deer up ahead. Thank you for
that tough test in school…
as painful as it was, I know it is teaching me how to handle tough
to prepare myself better for life’s
tests...and maybe teaching me not to waste time.
After maybe a year, I read it again – and this time took the message to
heart. I’ll
admit, there are things about the book I still didn’t like –
but the basic message felt right to me, and the truth of it is being
revealed more and more in my own life.
I can thank God that my Mom got sick and was near death, because
it shook me from my complacency of thinking she’ll
always be around – and
now I consciously make time to spend with her because I know time is precious.
See how it works? If you
and I can start by thanking God - even for the bad stuff- the Spirit can lead us to recognize the
impact… to see
the good that God is bringing about through that trial we’re
experiencing. Usually, we won't see the
good until the trial is just a memory.
Looking in hindsight, we see God's hand.
Here's the key though...If you and I practice this attitude over and
over, it becomes part of who we are.
Eventually, we develop enough trust in God that even though we can't
FEEL God's hand on our shoulder, we trust that in time he will turn the
situation to accomplish His will.
Now – I’m not gonna say
life gets any easier! Things still
happen which will make us say ‘Why’? It doesn’t
make sense, God! How can I thank you for
THIS? How do you expect me to rejoice
about THIS! Seriously, there are things
we will never understand this side of heaven.
But oh to have the faith of the young virgin who found out she
was having a baby. Her life was over...
She was destined for a life of pain.
Yet, in today's psalm, we hear her Magnificat....the ultimate example of
how we can respond to every trial:
"My spirit rejoices in God, my savior".
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