Into the Breach is a call to battle for Catholic Men which urges them to embrace wholeheartedly masculine virtues in a world in crisis. This hard-hitting new video series illustrates the gravity of our duty as men of Christ and offers an inspiring invitation to renew authentic masculinity.
Kind of like "Exodus 90" but not as intense. Challenge yourself to take on some ascetic and prayer practices to ramp-up your relationship with our Faith. Saturday mornings 6:30 at St. Celestine, those accepting this challenge will meet to discuss how we're doing, encourage each other, and discuss what we're learning in the little black books.
Into the Breach is a call to battle for Catholic Men which urges them to embrace wholeheartedly masculine virtues in a world in crisis. This hard-hitting new video series illustrates the gravity of our duty as men of Christ and offers an inspiring invitation to renew authentic masculinity.
Kind of like "Exodus 90" but not as intense. Challenge yourself to take on some ascetic and prayer practices to ramp-up your relationship with our Faith. Saturday mornings 6:30 at St. Celestine, those accepting this challenge will meet to discuss how we're doing, encourage each other, and discuss what we're learning in the little black books.
- 30 minutes of prayer each day
- 30 minutes of work-out each day
- Limit screen time (phone/computer/tv) - maybe read a book instead?
- no desserts / reduce sugar
- no eating between meals (unless you're turning into a bear, eat some fruit!)
- Go out of your way to do something for your wife or kids (or family)
- Fast every Friday (you decide the level you can commit to: no food, one meal, reduced portions, etc)
- Read the Little Black Book devotional daily
The modern woman's guide to the Bible.
Have you ever considered that your
day-to-day struggles are, at their core, timeless and universal? Though your challenges are deeply personal, they are
also deeply human, and God has provided workable solutions for you through the
teachings of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church.
Walking with Purpose would like to help you
enjoy a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ, nurtured through
personal Bible study and small group discussions created just for women.
Little Children
Consider having
children give up "screens": cell phones, video games, tablets, and
television. Read a book each week instead.
Consider encouraging your little ones to abstain from meat on Friday and
even to fast (under your supervision of course). Have them put 10% of
their piggy bank into the collection basket. Bring them with you to the Way of
the Cross or your Holy Hour each week.
Take them along to serve at a soup kitchen or visit the elderly.
“Best Lent Ever”
Don’t Give Up Chocolate for Lent
It’s a totally free and totally awesome
daily Lenten video program (sent straight to your email) that will help you
unlock your God-given potential.
from Dynamic
Catholic (Matthew Kelly’s organization)
Lady of Fatima Traveling Pilgrimage Statue
(Check the local parish bulletins for specific events. Here is when it will be close to our parish:)
Huntingburg, Monday, March 16th – starting with
Mass and procession at 6 pm. Ending 6:30
a.m. Tues
Holy Trinity Catholic School (Precious Blood campus) –
Tuesday, March 17, 8 am Mass/procession.
Holy Trinity Catholic School (Holy Family campus) – Tuesday,
March 17, 1 pm procession and rosary
St. Joe, Jasper – Tuesday, March 17, 6:20 pm Procession/Mass. Ending 4:30 pm Wed.
Also at Daylight Mar 13-15, Vincennes March 15-16, Dale
March 18-19 and Rockport March 19-20..
Also MOVIE : Fatima: A Message of Hope Monday, MARCH 9 TH, TIME: 6-8PM CDT
WHERE: ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH (Lower Level) LENGTH: 52 minutes
Everyone Invited & Snacks Provided!
WHERE: ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH (Lower Level) LENGTH: 52 minutes
Everyone Invited & Snacks Provided!
Personal Retreat on your computer
Little Black Book
The Knights of Columbus sponsor having these books for reflection at all the doors. They're a simple way to add a daily reflection to your prayer life for Lent.
2. Receive Communion
at Mass every day.
3. Go to Confession
every Friday or once a week.
4. Pray the Family
Rosary every day or once a week.
5. Pray the Stations
of the Cross every Friday.
6. Pray in silence 15
minutes a day.
7. Make a Eucharistic
visit every day.
8. Pray the Divine
Mercy Chaplet every day.
9. Fast on bread and
water one to three times per week.
10. Read a spiritual
11. Give a painfully
large donation to charity.
(Try adding an extra "zero" when
you write the check.)
12. Donate to charity
instead of buying something for yourself.
13. Pray "Jesus,
I love you!" in the first waking seconds of the day.
15. Do something
romantic or sacrificial to improve your marriage.
16. Volunteer
anywhere: at your kid's school, homeless shelter, etc
17. Visit a home for
the elderly.
18. Read a Gospel or
all four Gospels.
19. Memorize ten
favorite Bible verses.
20. Did we mention
fasting one to three times a week?
21. Look through the
CD’s at the church door and give some away to those you think might need them.
22. Oh, why not Pray
in silence for an hour every day.
23. Set more time
aside to be with your children or grandchildren.
24. Give up something
you absolutely love, crave, or spend time on, or that annoys others, including:
• lying
• your cellphone
(or texting, shopping online, social media, etc.)
• television or your
favorite television show
• television before a
certain hour
• television after a
certain hour
• eating while watching television
• coffee or tea (yes,
• coffee or tea you don't brew at home
• caffeine in any form
• diet soda (or soda)
• donuts
• hamburgers
• pizza (yes, pizza)
• chocolate
• anything with
chocolate flavor
• all snacks or
• going to movies
or Netflix, Hulu, Redbox, etc.
non-essential Internet
• March Madness
• following your
favorite sports team
• video games
• slouching
• gambling (legal or
• celebrity magazines
• golf (an objectively
grave moral evil) (only kidding)
• booze (yes, booze)
• a destructive,
irresistible "friendship"
• foul language
• picking your nose
• showing up late
• not grooming
• not flossing every day (yuck!)
• sports, music, or
talk radio
• fantasy sports
• restaurants
• eating lunch outside
of work
• driving when you
could walk
• sleeping in late
• hitting the Snooze
Button in the morning
• fast food
• not cooking
breakfast for your kids
• shopping for clothes
or food
• not stopping by your
neighbors to say hello
• failing to visit or
call your relatives
• soap operas
• the beach (for those
of you lucky enough to have one nearby)
• the woods, lakes, or
mountains (ditto)
• working on cars
• working in your shop
• chess, checkers,
cards, board games
• fishing, hunting,
• skateboarding
• some of your
"me" time doing any hobby
• your absolute
favorite hobby (aha, you just fainted!)
• not reading
reading (ha!)
• not
exercising regularly
exercising (too much)
• nagging your husband
(you know who you are)
• criticizing your
wife (she knows who you are)
• interrupting others
• not smiling whenever
you meet someone
• crossword puzzles,
jigsaw puzzles, sudoku
• knitting? (you
addicts understand)
• cigarettes
half or a third of those cigarettes
• vaping
• cigars, gum, and
"phony candy" breath mints
• not taking real
breath mints
• cookies
• chips or pretzels (I
skipped pretzels when I was a kid)
• cellphone calls in
your car (more difficult than you think)
• podcasts (or listen only to religious podcasts)
• all non-necessary
• not eating your
vegetables (even you adults)
• ice cream, donuts,
• your favorite dish
fudging on your tax return
• gossiping at
work—say something nice instead
gossiping anywhere
• stealing
"little stuff" from your employer, including time online
• relations with your
spouse (on certain days or weeks)
• not having relations
with your spouse (if it applies)
• thinking about
yourself when you wake up or go to bed (pray instead)
• thinking about
yourself when you drive (pray instead)
talking when you could listen
• buying anything you
don't really need
• not making your bed