Sunday, May 26, 2024

2024/05/26 Could God exist and NOT be a Trinity?

Before Mass:

There’s a couple of things I want to call to your attention as you listen to the readings.

1st reading – Have you ever seen anything this amazing?  That God actually chose a people to be His own?  If you have time to think about it – let it sink in – Israel didn’t choose God - God CHOSE Israel!

2nd reading  talks about how we are children of God – yeah yeah we hear that all the time – let yourself hear it anew today – God has no grandchildren – he chooses each one of us and adopts us as his child.  Listen for what is says about adoption.

Gospel- This is one of the only places in the Bible that specifically mentions all three members of the Trinity.  BUT – it also it talks about Baptism.  That may sound like a side-comment, but it’s key to our understanding.

Here’s the all-important question for you to Consider today:  Is it possible for God exist and NOT be a Trinity?

 Dt 4:32-34, 39-40    Ps 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22     Rom 8:14-17    Mt 28:16-20


So what do you think?  IS it possible for God exist and NOT be a Trinity?

On one hand, yeah - He is God… so God can be whatever He wants… But God has revealed enough about himself that we KNOW He is a Trinity.  In fact, I’d go so far as to insist that God MUST be a Trinity.

To make my point – let’s start by thinking about who IS God?  This is where you need your thinking caps.  In order to explain what I mean, I gotta pull in two other scriptures:

We didn’t hear it today, but In the first letter of John, he actually gave us a definition of God – see if you can fill in the blank:  “God is ____”  LOVE – God is Love – it’s only three words, but it’s packed with implications.  God is Love.

The other scripture I gotta pull in is Genesis.  Remember when God first created mankind, He said, “let us make Man in our image, in the image and likeness of God he made him, male and female he created them.”

Catch that?  You and I are made in the image and likeness of God.  YOU were made in God’s image, but HOW do You personally image God?   Does God have two eyes, two ears and a nose?  No - What IS God’s image:  We just heard it – God is Love – 

So think for a second – if you are made in God’s image, and God is Love, how do YOU personally image Love? – Let’s ask it this way: is it possible for you by yourself to image Love?  How would you do it? – IDEAS?  you do it by giving someone a hug – or doing something for someone.  See – one person BY THEMSELVES cannot image love – because Love implies relationship.  You can’t have Love without Relationship:  there has to be a Lover and a Beloved – by definition, Love implies more than one person.  Do you see where this is going?  God MUST be more than one person because He is Love and Love is impossible without relationship…that’s where the Trinity comes in.

In God, we have the Father loving the Son, the Son loving the Father, and the Love between them is so real that we give it a name – the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit IS the love that binds the Trinity together.  Perfect love also gives life!  Because God IS love, His greatest desire would be to share himself… so He gave life to all of creation and humanity.

So how do we humans image God?  I propose that the way we image God best is the family.  We have the Husband loving the wife and the wife loving the Husband and the love between them is so real that nine months later you have to give it a name!  The Holy Spirit is the love that binds the family together and the result is a new life!.

God is Love – so He must be a Trinity – He must be a relationship of Love.

God is inviting you into relationship – with others yes, but mainly with Him.  He wants to be your Father.  Did you hear that in the second reading?

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear,
but you received a Spirit of adoption,
through whom we cry, "Abba, Father!"

we are children of God,
and if children, then heirs,

When does this relationship begin?  When do we receive the Spirit he talks about?  Baptism – Baptism is an adoption ceremony where God chooses to call you Son or Daughter.

Some people think we shouldn’t baptize infants – ever heard that?  I was doing marriage prep for a couple a couple months ago and the girl said – they weren’t sure they wanted to baptize their kids as infancts – she said – we want to wait until they reach the age of reason to decide for themselves”.  So I asked her, “What age would you say”?  She said  12 – twelve?  Really?  What 12 year old would CHOOSE to go to church?  What 12 year old is mature enough to make a decision that impacts their eternal life?  Some of us don’t reach the age of reason until 40 or 60 or heck, many of us may not be there yet.

Here’s the problem – our culture has lost the truth about baptism.  Baptism is NOT when WE choose God… It’s when God chooses US!  It’s not OUR choice – it’s GOD’S choice.  It’s an adoption ceremony.  So let’s think about what happens in an adoption:

Picture this couple here decides to adopt an infant.  What CHOICE does that infant have whether or not they want to be part of their family?  Zero – seriously.

It’s not a choice of the child – it’s a choice of the parents. 

Parents decide I want this child to be part of my family – I will love them forever, they’ll have my family name, they’ll live in my house, eat at my table, I will teach them, and they will have an inheritance with my family.  This is what happens with adoption – it’s a legal action – a choice of the parents.

Similarly with Baptism – it’s an adoption ceremony– God says, I choose to take this child as my son or daughter – I will love them forever, they’ll live in my house, eat at my table, I will teach them, and they will have an inheritance of eternal life with my family.  Baptism is not OUR choice – it’s God’s choice.

In baptism you and I are grafted into the Holy Trinity.  Just as God is a relationship of 3 people held together by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit binds us to God – even when we stray – the Father still says “you are my son – you are my daughter”. 

Because of this relationship, We call God Father, we call Jesus brother – and every one of us is tied together by the Holy Spirit.